Building Your Capacity:

A gentle guide to growing your nervous system for healing and performance

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    Kathy Taylor

    Embodiment & Nervous System Coach

    I invite women to slow down...

    and look at themselves and their lives through a different lens—

    a lens of kindness, belonging and enough-ness

    instead of perfectionism, people-pleasing or proving.

    I encourage them to connect to their core self and challenge the stories they tell themselves.

    As they wrestle with the truth, they grow from the inside out, and bring their full selves to their relationships and interactions.

    They become the women they were originally created to be.

    Wholehearted, generous, powerful, connected, taking up space.

    What will you learn?

    • Several different types of capacity we all have--and can grow
    • What you may notice if you have less capacity than you'd like
    • Two simple activities to gently build that capacity